To Silkpainting site
From Heart to Heart

Why silkpaintings?


I use only natural materials when creating scarves or ties (mainly silk) and add a personal touch when creating each item. Silk for me has always been a symbol of something between material and spiritual, real and unreal, a bridge between the present and the past, the earth and the universe. Silk is a mysterious material, which originates from nature's live creatures (silkworms). It is almost impossible to capture; it sounds like whispering leaves in the wind. It feels good on your skin, as if you had a light cloud around you and an illusion of somebody's kind presence. Silk has personality.

Creating a hand-painted item is like a materialisation of thoughts, dreams, and love. The material can be so thin that can look almost unreal but nevertheless it is real - it can be touched, observed, and worn.

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